Microbrasserie Charlevoix Dominus Vobiscum Hibernus – Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 10% ABV | 10 IBU (C$15.41 at Beer Club Offering #12, 750 ml, packaged on 21-Mar-2014, best before 21-Mar-2019, acquired 11-Oct-2014, reviewed 24-Jun-2020)
Appearance: clear cola red with two fingers of rocky beige head, excellent retention and heavy well-defined lacing. (5/5) Aroma: complex, candi sugar, dates, vinous grapes and red berries, banana, caramel, mild spice. (8/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, low bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium body, moderate-lively carbonation, slightly sticky warming finish. (4/5)
The Great Cellar Drink Down continues. What? I’m in quarantine in a (supposedly) sold house, so I can’t get anything fresh, and who knows how long my collection will go into a storage unit after we pack up here and find a new house – could be months, easily, subjected to wild temperature variations. No, better it end here, with dignity: cue the swelling orchestra.
So, I went digging deep in my cellar looking for another beer by this brewery, and discovered this one, which wasn’t even in my active inventory – turns out I had lost count some years ago. Oh, well – past me’s loss is present me’s gain, I suppose – like finding a twenty in an old suit. Despite its six years in the cellar, and the sticky mess on the side of the bottle, it’s not oxidized and I see no evidence that the cap seal failed. I will acknowledge it may well be past its peak, but that might be said of many of us, so it would be uncharitable to the point of mean-spiritedness to hold that against it. Complex yet mellow, with almost a rum barrel finish, this is an enjoyable slow sipper. (16/20)
8/10 #ryansbooze ryansbooze.com

2 replies on “Microbrasserie Charlevoix Dominus Vobiscum Hibernus – Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 10% ABV | 10 IBU”
If I remember correctly Dan Hyde handled a private order of this for some of us within the beer club. I found it to be weak and watered down in taste which was shocking for a 10% beer. So, I kept them for several years to see if the taste would improve, but had no luck with it. Generally, I found the beers great from this brewery, but not this one.
Interesting. According to my notes, this one was from the actual club order #12, and not a side order, so I wonder if there were some batch variations with yours? I do note that it was “only” a medium body, which combined with its moderate-lively carbonation certainly lofted it to feel lighter again. I didn’t find it weak or watered-down, though, and if anything noted a more emphatic sweetness followed by a slightly sticky finish.
All of that said, diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks, and I respect dissenting opinions. Hell, I’m the last one to claim any particular authority – I’m just gamifying my incipient alcoholism here.