Alley Kat Brewing Co. Hot Tropic – American Pale Ale at 5.2% ABV | 25 IBU (C$4.41 at Collective, 473 ml, best before 10-Nov-2021, acquired 25-May-2021, reviewed 27-May-2021)
Appearance: hazy medium gold with two fat fingers of rocky white head, good retention and moderate soapy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: pineapple, stone fruit, barnyard funk, citrus, wheat. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate-low bitter, light funky tart. (7/10) Medium-light body, moderate carbonation, off-dry short duration tart finish. (4/5)
The label indicates El Dorado hops as an accompaniment to the kveik yeast, but doesn’t specify whether or not it’s actually single-hopped. The pineapple doesn’t completely dominate the aroma, but is certainly present. Despite this, and with my complete approval, it doesn’t come through as excessive sweetness on the tongue. Not a bad little beer overall, and it’s actually hovering on the cusp of next-level. (15/20)
7.5/10 #ryansbooze