Molson Coors Canada Common Bond – American Pale Lager at 6.1% ABV (C$3.57 at Crowfoot Liquor Heritage Pointe, 473 ml, packaged on 5-May-2021, acquired 23-May-2021, reviewed 23-May-2021)
Appearance: brightly clear medium gold with one fat finger of rocky ivory head, good retention and spotty lacing. (4/5) Aroma: sweet caramel, oak, vanilla, faint smoke. (6/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Palate: medium body, moderate-lively carbonation, sweetish medium bitter finish. (3/5)
That packaging date is a bit of a wild-assed guess on my part: the date code was A0912408:26, so I assumed the “08:26” to be time and the “124” to be a Julian representation of the next-most significant units i.e. days. But, it might be t’other way ‘round, with “A” meaning 2021 and “091” being the Julian, so 33 days older. (Or, maybe it’s “A” meaning January and “09” being the day, so a couple months older again?) Any way you slice it, it’s not really elderly. And, it’s not really terrible. The obvious comparison is of course Innis & Gunn, and I’ve almost totally given up on them, so there’s that… I mean, for a mass-market macro, it’s… well, a mass-market macro, in that I can’t believe anybody involved at any stage of its production is actually proud of it. But it’s not a terrible one? (13/20)
6.5/10 #ryansbooze