Parallel 49 Filthier Dirtier – American Double / Imperial IPA at 9% ABV (C$4.36 at Collective, 473 ml, packaged on 20-Oct-2021, best before 31-Oct-2022, acquired 4-Nov-2021, reviewed 22-Nov-2021)
Appearance: clear pale amber with two fingers of rocky pale ivory head, excellent retention and heavy soapy lacing. (5/5) Aroma: sweet boozy citrus, bready caramel, resiny pine, tropical fruit. (7/10) Taste: high sweet, high bitter. (6/10) Palate: medium-full slick body, moderate-soft carbonation, sweet building bitter warming finish. (3/5)
I mean, it’s not terrible… but man, is it sweet. Boozy and warming, too, but the malt emphasis is where it loses me. Despite my predilection for bombastic beers, I dunno if I actually prefer this to the single version. (14/20)
This will be my 5,129th unique Untappd check-in.
7/10 #ryansbooze