
Burdock Brewing Ducks IPA – American IPA at 6.3% ABV

Burdock Brewing Ducks IPA – American IPA at 6.3% ABV (C$6.00 at Collective, 473 ml, packaged on 30-Apr-2024, acquired 12-Aug-2024, reviewed 22-Aug-2024)

Appearance: hazy pale gold with one fat finger of loose pale ivory head, good retention and minimal spotty lacing. (3/5) Aroma: citrus, tropical fruit, melon/white grape, oats. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, medium duration clean finish. (4/5)

Hopped with Citra, Idaho 7, and Eldorado. Not sure where the brewers got the idea that ducks are “chill”, because they’re actually rapey assholes, but that aside this is a decent offering. The aroma is reasonably juicy and bright, with citrus and tropical fruit leading the way over melon or vinous note, on a clean cereal grain base. That vinous note carries through and it finishes almost tart. No complaints. (15/20)

7.5/10 #ryansbooze