Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Blonde Belgian Pale Ale at 6.3% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)
Pours clear pale gold with one finger of loose white head diminishing gradually to a thick cap, moderate patchy lacing. Nose is pale biscuity malt, faint apples and Belgian yeast. Taste is mild sweet, mild bitter, faint apples and pepper spice. Light to medium smooth body, prickly sustained carbonation, with an off-dry moderate bitter finish.
A few notches better than an adjunct lager, but it’s got some of the same character. Not a lot going on in the nose, other than a crackery, biscuity kind of malt, with everything else pretty far in the background. A very workaday pale ale, with not a lot to distinguish it.
6.5/10 #ryansbooze