UAB Švyturys Švyturys Ekstra Dortmunder/Helles Lager at 5.2% ABV
Pours a clear straw yellow with one finger of white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, moderate lacing. Nose is pale malt, corn, and faint grassy hops. Taste follows suit with malt and corn dominant over grassy hops. Light to medium body and moderate sustained carbonation with a slightly sticky finish.
The bottle says “Acknowledged by beer lovers and experts”. Fair enough: I acknowledge it as well. Furthermore, I acknowledge I didn’t actually go blind as a result of drinking it. However, I also suggest you don’t actually drink it, unless soviet-era vodka with a chaser of gasoline is to your taste. Perhaps acknowledge it with a little wave as you pass it on the shelf, or maybe the sign against the Evil Eye? This isn’t really so much a beer for drinking, as it is a beer for avoiding, or perhaps running away from, very quickly.
(OK, maybe it’s not quite that bad. It’s fun putting things down, though, isn’t it? I’ve clearly been doing this “beer tasting thing” all wrong, trying the best ones I can find. Obviously I need to find more bad beer to slag. I could have a bright future as a restaurant or film critic!)
My 103rd from the 2010 Edition of 1001 Beers, 97th by the 2013 Edition, and 106th overall.
3.5/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze