
Mort Subite Kriek – Lambic Style (Fruit) at 4.5% ABV

Mort Subite Kriek Lambic Style – Fruit at 4.5% ABV ($8.30 on tap at Craft Beer Market)

Pours a deep red with one finger of light pink head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, moderate lacing. Nose is tart cherry and light spice. Taste is medium sugary sweet and moderate tart with lingering sour. Light to medium body, prickly sustained carbonation, with an off-dry mildly sour finish.

This is called a lambic on the menu. OK, yes, all krieks are lambics, so that’s technically not untrue, but come on – if you see “lambic”, are you not justified in assuming it’s a straight lambic? Oh well, live and learn – next time I’ll ask first. All that said, it’s not a bad kriek – the cherry is strong but not artificial, and the sweetness doesn’t overwhelm. Definitely a decent introduction to sours for a neophyte.

7.5/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Barbãr – Belgian Golden Strong Ale at 8% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Barbãr Belgian Golden Strong Ale at 8% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours a hazy gold with one finger of loose white head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, spotty lacing. Nose is sweet honey and malt, orange peel, coriander, herbal and floral hops. Taste is medium sweet and moderate bitter with building spice. Medium body, prickly sustained carbonation, with an off-dry spicy, bitter finish.

I opened this last Lefebvre with a mixture of relief and dread – “Last one, how bad can it be?” But the answer is, not bad at all. I’m not a huge fan of honey in beer, but the sweetness isn’t overwhelming – the bitter orange and coriander work well with the hops to keep the sweetness balanced. The hint of peppery spice (and was there just a little bubblegum in the nose at first?) builds through the glass and also keeps the honey from becoming sickly. Not worth buying the 8-pack for, but worth picking up if you see it on its own.

7/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Belgian Kriek – Fruit Beer at 3.5% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Belgian Kriek Fruit Beer at 3.5% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours a hazy pinkish red with one finger of pink head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, spotty lacing. Nose is candy cherry, pale malt, faint yeast. Taste is sugary/saccharine cherry, moderate tartness. Light body, moderate sustained carbonation, with an off-dry finish.

Needless to say, given my experience with Lefebvre beers so far, I opened this with something less than enthusiasm. Yeah… Fake cough drop cherries and another thrilling ingredients list including the now-familiar “flavours”, as well as acesulfame potassium. Mmm… because if there’s anything better in a beer than unspecified “flavours”, it’s artificial sweeteners. Bleah. Save your money.

5/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Newton Apple Beer – Fruit Beer at 3.5% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Newton Apple Beer Fruit Beer at 3.5% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours a slightly cloudy pale straw (paler, actually – SRM 1? 0.5?) with one finger of white head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, spotty lacing. Nose is apple juice and sweet cider, faint pale malt and wheat. Taste is strongly sweet apple cider and moderate tart with a little doughy yeast. Very light body, moderate sustained carbonation, with an off-dry finish.

Wow… that’s really… something. What, I’m not sure, but I’m sure it’s something. Let’s face it, I knew this wasn’t going to be anything great before I even opened the bottle. And the first whiff of apple juice and sugar didn’t do much to allay those fears. I was further dismayed to see the ingredients list included “apple juice, sugar, flavours”. “Flavours,” huh? Good to know… I guess, to be fair, it’s not actually bad. It’s just very sweet and very fake. You know those crappy hard ciders you find in every liquor store? Buy those instead. They’re no worse, but at least they’ll be cheaper.

5/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Prima (Melior) – Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 8% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Prima (Melior) Belgian Strong Dark Ale at 8% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours clear amber-brown with cola red highlights, a short and short-lived light tan head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, no lacing. Nose is brown sugar and boozy dark fruit, mild spice. Taste is moderate candi sugar sweetness, apple fruitiness and fruitcake spices, slight sour/tart. Medium body, prickly sustained carbonation, with an off-dry mild bitter lingering finish.

Probably the best of the Floreffe offerings I’ve tried. I’m not going to break my neck trying to get any more, you understand – this is just the best of a fairly mediocre bunch. Kind of a boozy medium-dark fruitcake, that somebody got confused while making, and added apples. (What is it with Floreffe and apples? Every one of those beers tastes like apples. Must be their house yeast.) It’s very, very similar to the Dubbel, except with a little more pronounced nose and a much more noticeable booziness. Definitely falls short of greatness, and there are definitely many better examples of the style to be had.

7/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Triple – Tripel at 8% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Triple Tripel at 8% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours hazy deep gold with one finger of loose white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, minimal patchy lacing. Nose is pale malt and boozy dark fruit, candi sugar, Belgian yeast. Taste is moderate candi sugar and apples, mild bitter, slightly tart. Medium body, low sustained carbonation, with an off-dry moderate bitter boozy finish.

Again, Floreffe isn’t getting me too excited. Pretty pedestrian tripel, with both nose and flavour on the muted side after the first short-lived burst of moderately interesting Belgian yeasts. Appearance is again disappointing, short-lived short head and absence of lacing. I can think of better alternatives.

6.5/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Double – Abbey Dubbel at 6.3% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Double Abbey Dubbel at 6.3% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours clear amber-brown with cola red highlights, a short and short-lived light tan head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, no lacing. Nose is muted, brown sugar and dark fruit. Taste is moderate candi sugar sweetness, slight sour/tart, low spice. Light to medium body, low sustained carbonation, with an off-dry mild bitter lingering finish.

Fairly boring abbey dubbel, with both nose and flavour on the muted side. Appearance is also disappointing, with the short-lived short head and absence of lacing. Not unpleasant, but there are lots of better alternatives out there.

6/10 #ryansbooze


Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Blonde – Belgian Pale Ale at 6.3% ABV

Brasserie Lefebvre Abbaye de Floreffe Blonde Belgian Pale Ale at 6.3% ABV ($5.24 from Crowfoot Liquor Okotoks)

Pours clear pale gold with one finger of loose white head diminishing gradually to a thick cap, moderate patchy lacing. Nose is pale biscuity malt, faint apples and Belgian yeast. Taste is mild sweet, mild bitter, faint apples and pepper spice. Light to medium smooth body, prickly sustained carbonation, with an off-dry moderate bitter finish.

A few notches better than an adjunct lager, but it’s got some of the same character. Not a lot going on in the nose, other than a crackery, biscuity kind of malt, with everything else pretty far in the background. A very workaday pale ale, with not a lot to distinguish it.

6.5/10 #ryansbooze


Brouwerij Van Eecke Kapittel Watou Tripel Abt – Tripel (?) at 10% ABV

Brouwerij Van Eecke Kapittel Watou Tripel Abt Tripel (?) at 10% ABV ($4.84 from Willow Park Wine & Spirits)

Pours clear gold with one finger of dense white head diminishing gradually to a thick cap, minimal lacing. Nose is pale malt and dark fruit, candy sugar, Belgian yeast. Taste is moderate candi sugar and fruit sweetness, mild bitter. Medium body, moderate sustained carbonation, with an off-dry moderate bitter boozy finish.

On the one had, my kind of tripel – balanced slightly more to the bitter, yet with enough pale malt/candi sugar sweetness to keep it easy-drinking despite the double digit ABV. But on the other, hints of characteristic Belgian yeast flavours – bubblegum, bananas, cloves – layered behind what basically amounts to a light fruitcake, means the flavour basically bridges the gap between tripel and quadrupel. It’s definitely fruitier than your normal tripel, but much lighter than a quad, so I see why they call it a Tripel Abt. It hurts my OCD when things defy easy characterization, but I guess I can’t really blame the beer for my own shortcomings, can I?

8/10 #ryansbooze


Brouwerij Van Eecke Kapittel Watou Dubbel – Abbey Dubbel at 7.5% ABV

Brouwerij Van Eecke Kapittel Watou Dubbel Abbey Dubbel at 7.5% ABV ($4.27 from Willow Park Wine & Spirits)

Pours clear amber-brown with a short light beige head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, no lacing. Nose is brown sugar, dark fruit, spicy herbs. Taste is moderate candi sugar sweetness and mild spice. Medium body, slightly oily texture, and moderate sustained carbonation, with an off-dry mild bitter finish.

Not a lot to say about this one – decent enough abbey dubbel, but nothing really leaps out. Nose is a little on the muted side, and the appearance is a little disappointing with the short-lived short head and absence of lacing. Pleasant enough, but not all that memorable.

6.5/10 #ryansbooze