
Kaiserdom Privatbrauerei Bürgerbräu Bamberg Dunkel – Dunkel at 5.0% ABV

Kaiserdom Privatbrauerei Bürgerbräu Bamberg Dunkel Dunkel at 5.0% ABV (€0.95 at Todis Trastavere, 500 ml, best before 20-Apr-2016)

Pours opaque ruby brown with a short tan head diminishing quickly to a thin skim, moderate patchy lacing. (3/5) Nose is coffee and dark chocolate, roasty malts, liquorice, hint of smoke. (6/10) Taste is moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Medium bodied tending to the watery, low carbonation, mildly bitter finish. (3/5)

Yet another sub-€1 supermarket deal. I might be being just a little too low on the rating here (or maybe I was too generous with its Hefeweizen brother) but I think it’s if anything a little nicer than the Hefe. Definitely worth drinking, and one helluva deal at the price. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze


Heineken Italia Birra Moretti Baffo d’Oro – Pale Lager at 4.8% ABV

Heineken Italia Birra Moretti Baffo d’Oro Pale Lager at 4.8% ABV (€8.00 at Ristorante Venerina, 650 ml, best before 11/16)

Pours clear pale straw with two fingers of fluffy white head, good retention and moderate patchy lacing. (3/5) Nose is sweet pale malt, doughy yeast, faint grassy hops and honey. (4/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (4/10) Light bodied, off dry crisp finish. (3/5)

Pleasant thirst quencher on a hot day, and yes, it does pair well with Italian food and pizza. Decent enough example of the style, but ultimately pretty boring. (10/20)

My 164th from the 2010 Edition (155th from the 2013 edition), and 174th combining both editions.

4.5/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze


Birra Flea Serra Santa Birra Cruda – Belgian Strong Pale Ale at 5.9% ABV

Birra Flea Serra Santa Birra Cruda Belgian Strong Pale Ale at 5.9% ABV (€3.89 at Todis Trastavere, 750 ml, best before 25-Aug-2016)

Pours hazy pale gold with a fat finger of rocky white head, good retention and lacing. (4/5) Nose is stewed apples, caramel and toffee, a little Belgian yeast and spice. (5/10) Taste is moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (4/10) Medium bodied, soft carbonation, lingering bitter finish. (3/5)

Not terrible, for a cheap supermarket beer. I mean, not good, either – but not terrible. The finish in particular is not particularly well done, and the lingering bitterness turns a little astringent. The fruit is also a bit brown apple-ish. All in all, though, I’ve had much worse. (10/20)

5/10 #ryansbooze


Martens Willianbräu Pils – Pilsener at 4.6% ABV

Martens Willianbräu Pils Pilsener at 4.6% ABV (€0.59 at Todis Trastavere, 500 ml, best before 20-Feb-2016)

Pours clear pale hold with no head or lacing. (2/5) Nose is grainy pale malt, corn, apple, faint weedy hops. (4/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (4/10) Light bodied, moderate carbonation, crisp off dry finish. (3/5)

OK, to be honest, I just bought this out of morbid curiosity, to see how terrible a fifty nine (euro) cent beer could be. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do anything crazy like drink the whole thing – but the fact is, if I were thirsty, I’d take this over Bud Light any day. (8/20)

4/10 #ryansbooze


Ottakringer Brauerei AG Helles Bier – Helles Lager at 5.2% ABV

Ottakringer Brauerei AG Helles Bier Helles Lager at 5.2% ABV (Austrian Air Flight OS352, 330 ml, best before 01/16

Pours clear pale gold with one finger of fluffy white head, good retention and moderate lacing. (3/5) Nose is grainy pale malt, faint grassy hops. (4/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (4/10) Light body, moderate carbonation, off-dry mildly bitter finish. (3/5)

A fairly typical Helles – decent enough as a thirst quencher, with a moderately dry and crisp finish. Middle of the road and inoffensive. (10/20)

5/10 #ryansbooze


Gösser Brauerei Gösser Märzen – Märzen at 5.2% ABV

Gösser Brauerei Gösser Märzen Märzen at 5.2% ABV (Austrian Airlines Flight OS501, 330 ml, best before 01/16)

Pours clear pale straw with one finger of fluffy white head, good retention and moderate patchy lacing. (3/5) Nose is grainy pale malt, faint weedy hops. (4/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (4/10) Light bodied, moderate carbonation, crisp off dry finish. (3/5)

Well, it’s better than a North American mass market beer – if only barely. “Österreichs bestes bier”? I sincerely hope not. (9/20)

4.5/10 #ryansbooze


Birra Peroni Industriale (SABMiller) Peroni Forte – Strong Pale Lager at 8% ABV

Birra Peroni Industriale (SABMiller) Peroni Forte Strong Pale Lager at 8% ABV (la Piazzetta de Trastevere, 330 ml, best before 12/15)

Pours clear pale amber with a short, short-lived head, no lacing. (3/5) Nose is grainy caramel malt, faint weedy hops. (4/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (4/10) Medium bodied, slightly syrupy and sweetly boozy finish. (3/5)

About the only thing this has going for it is the 8% ABV. Which is actually not all that well integrated in the finish – I hesitate to call it “harsh,” but it’s not “smooth”. Gets the job done, though. (10/20)

5/10 #ryansbooze


La Brasserie de St.-Sylvestre 3 Monts – Bière de Garde at 6.4% ABV

La Brasserie de St.-Sylvestre 3 Monts Bière de Garde at 6.4% ABV (€3.32 at Casino Shop Issy Les Moulineaux, 750 ml, best before 11-Mar-2016)

Pours clear pale straw with three fingers of fluffy white head, excellent retention and moderate patchy lacing. (4/5) Nose is sweet pale malt, green apple, doughy yeast, grassy hops, slightly dusty. (7/10) Taste is moderate sweet, moderate bitter, slight tart and funk. (7/10) Medium bodied, slightly oily, moderate carbonation, dry vinous bitter and boozy finish. (4/5)

Not as sweet as some other Bières de Garde, with a dry vinous character. There’s also a little funk and tart to keep things interesting, and the hops are relatively pronounced – lots of Belgian character from both the yeast and the hops, actually. A French style made with Belgian (Flanders) hops, and it shows characteristics of both lineages. The ABV is definitely present, but largely in the finish, and is actually fairly subdued for the weight. I prefer this type of interpretation of the style over the sweeter, maltier ones. (15/20)

My 163rd from the 2010 Edition (154th from the 2013 edition), and 173rd combining both editions.

7.5/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze


Brasserie Castelain Ch’ti Blonde – Bière de Garde at 6.4% ABV

Brasserie Castelain Ch’ti Blonde Bière de Garde at 6.4% ABV (€2.97 at Casino Shop Issy Les Moulineaux, 750 ml, best before 17-Mar-2016)

Pours clear pale gold with a fat finger of fluffy white head diminishing rapidly to nothing, no lacing. (3/5) Nose is caramel malt, light flowery and grassy hops. (6/10) Taste is moderately strong sweet, mild bitter, slight tart. (5/10) Medium bodied, lively to moderate carbonation, mild bitter and slightly boozy finish. (3/5)

Another pretty sweet Bière de Garde. Really not a lot of character beyond the caramel malt – the hops are very far in the background, and don’t play a lot of a role here. On the up side, the higher ABV also doesn’t play much of a role. Ultimately, not very interesting. (10/20)

My 162nd from the 2010 Edition (153rd from the 2013 edition), and 172nd combining both editions.

5.5/10 #1001beers #ryansbooze


InBev Belgium Leffe Ruby – Fruit Beer / Radler at 6.0% ABV

InBev Belgium Leffe Ruby Fruit Beer / Radler at 6.0% ABV (€2.47 from Franprix Issy Val de Seine, 500 ml, best before 17-Aug-2016)

Pours clear red amber with two fingers of fluffy white head, good retention and moderately heavy lacing. (4/5) Nose is sweet artificial red berries. (3/10) Taste is strong sweet, very mild bitter, very slight tart. (3/10) Light body, lively to moderate carbonation, cloying sweet finish. (2/5)

“Leffe Ruby is a red, refreshing beer born of the unique combination of the typical flavours of the abbey beer and the delicate notes of red forest fruits.” Yeah… no. Try, “Leffe Ruby is a red, cloying beer born of the questionable combination of the marginal flavours of the abbey beer and the artificial notes of red forest fruits.” This really is not a good beer. If you must try it out of a sense of morbid curiosity, don’t say I didn’t warn you. This might’ve cured me of my weakness for radlers. (8/20)

4/10 #ryansbooze