
Great Lakes Brewery My Bitter Wife IPA – American IPA at 7.0% ABV

Great Lakes Brewery My Bitter Wife IPA American IPA at 7.0% ABV

Pours a slightly hazy pale amber with one finger of tight white head diminishing gradually to a thick cap and well-defined lacing. Nose is pine, citrus, tropical fruit, pale malt. Taste is hoppy bitter with just a little supporting malt sweetness. Medium to full body, moderate sustained carbonation, and a strongly bitter, dry finish.

A decent hop-forward A/IPA that comes quite close to being a DIPA. The malt is well-balanced, albeit to a lower malt / higher hop character. The higher ABV is quite well-integrated as well. The bitterness has a slight harshness, though, particularly on the finish, that prevents a higher score.

8.5/10 #ryansbooze