
Muskoka Brewery Muskoka Harvest Ale – American Pale Ale at 7.0% ABV

Muskoka Brewery Muskoka Harvest Ale American Pale Ale at 7.0% ABV

(2013 Vintage Re-reviewed after one year cellaring) Pours a clear medium to deep amber with two fingers of fine tan head diminishing gradually to a thin cap and moderate patchy lacing. Nose is caramel malt, grassy and earthy hops, slight pine. Taste leads out sweet, giving way to herbal and piney hop bitterness. Medium body, medium to light carbonation, and a sticky, bitter finish.

Interesting – I was a bit worried that I had killed this by cellaring it, particularly since there was some fluffy mould on the outside of the cork, but it’s still very drinkable. (I cleaned the mould with vinegar before opening the cork, and cleaned the neck before pouring.) There’s still quite a bit of hop character in the nose and on the tongue, and the aging may have mellowed the pine bitterness somewhat, but all in all, this might be something that one could age for a couple of years, just for fun. Might have to do that with the new vintage. (And yes, the new score is lower than the original – that’s a reflection of my own scoring recalibration, and not of this beer having gone downhill with time.)

8/10 #ryansbooze