
Mikkeller Øllen Om Bogen – American Pale Lager at 4.2% ABV

Mikkeller Øllen Om Bogen American Pale Lager at 4.2% ABV ($5.80 at Sherbrooke Liquor, 330ml, best before 1-Apr-2016)

Pours hazy gold with one finger of loose white head, excellent retention, moderate lacing. (4/5) Nose is dank weedy hops, pithy citrus, very faint crackery pale malt. (9/10) Taste is mild sweet, strong bitter. (9/10) Light to medium body, prickly to moderate carbonation, long bitter finish. (4/5)

To be honest, the only reason I bought this was to see if there’s a beer style so boring, Mikkeller can’t do anything with it. Damn you Mikkeller! You managed to make a near-hop bomb out of a low gravity pale lager? What the hell is up with that? Great beer. Probably the best lager I’ve ever had. (18/20)

9/10 #ryansbooze