
Coronado Brewing Company / Devil’s Backbone Brewing Company Devil’s Tale American IPA at 7.5% ABV

Coronado Brewing Company / Devil’s Backbone Brewing Company Devil’s Tale American IPA at 7.5% ABV (C$8.69 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 650 ml, no bottle date or best before)

Pours clear pale gold with two fat fingers of off white head diminishing gradually to a thin cap, moderate patchy lacing. (4/5) Nose is pithy citrus, pine, light tropical fruit, dank, very mild onion. (7/10) Taste is mild sweet, moderately strong bitter. (7/10) Medium body, moderate to low carbonation, off-dry and lingering bitter finish. (4/5)

I’m not entirely convinced by this collaboration, but it might simply be age. I can’t be sure, of course, because there’s NO DAMN DATE ON THE BOTTLE. What I can be sure of, is it isn’t quite as good as Frog’s Breath, or Sock Knocker, or Idiot, or… (15/20)

7.5/10 #ryansbooze