
Driftwood Brewery White Bark Ale Witbier at 5% ABV

Driftwood Brewery White Bark Ale Witbier at 5% ABV (C$6.75 at Sundance Wine Market, 650 ml, bottle date 24-Mar-2015)

Pours cloudy pale straw with a short white head diminishing gradually to a dense cap, moderate lacing. (3/5) Nose is orange peel, bready yeast, coriander, faint banana and clove. (6/10) Taste is mild sweet, mild bitter, very slight tart. (6/10) Medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry finish. (4/5)

Not a bad traditional witbier, but a little unremarkable in flavour, and a touch heavy in body. I’d like this more if it were lighter, crisper, and tarter. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze