
Garrison Brewing Company In Session – Session IPA at 4.4% ABV

Garrison Brewing Company In Session Session IPA at 4.4% ABV (C$2.54 at Dominion Stavanger, 341 ml, bottle date 4-Mar-2015)

Pours clear pale gold with one finger of pillowy white head, excellent retention and moderate lacing. (4/5) Nose is light citrus, grassy, pale malt. (6/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (6/10) Medium to light body, lively carbonation, off-dry crisp finish. (3/5)

Yet another “session IPA,” but not a particularly good implementation. In particular, the malt is coming across as almost corn adjunct. Fairly sweet, and not particularly bright or hoppy. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze