
Martens Willianbräu Pils – Pilsener at 4.6% ABV

Martens Willianbräu Pils Pilsener at 4.6% ABV (€0.59 at Todis Trastavere, 500 ml, best before 20-Feb-2016)

Pours clear pale hold with no head or lacing. (2/5) Nose is grainy pale malt, corn, apple, faint weedy hops. (4/10) Taste is moderate sweet, mild bitter. (4/10) Light bodied, moderate carbonation, crisp off dry finish. (3/5)

OK, to be honest, I just bought this out of morbid curiosity, to see how terrible a fifty nine (euro) cent beer could be. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t do anything crazy like drink the whole thing – but the fact is, if I were thirsty, I’d take this over Bud Light any day. (8/20)

4/10 #ryansbooze