
Nøgne Ø (Hansa Borg) Asian Pale Ale – American Pale Ale at 4.5% ABV

Nøgne Ø (Hansa Borg) Asian Pale Ale American Pale Ale at 4.5% ABV (C$7.21 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 500 ml, bottle date 16-Jan-2015 best before 16-Jan-2016)

Appearance: slightly hazy pale amber with two fingers of fluffy off-white head, good retention and lacing. (4/5) Aroma: lemongrass, lime and tropical fruit, pale malt. (8/10) Taste: moderate to strong sweet, moderate bitter, moderate tart. (8/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, medium duration tart finish. (4/5)

Lots of fun – bright and citrusy, and it tastes far more bitter than the 10 IBU the labels claims. I think maybe it’s the lemongrass? Overall, it feels like a lot of added flavours, but I have to admit they integrate reasonably well, and never feel artificial. It’s sweet, but not sickly. Huge chunky sediment in the last inch, too, but that’s not really an issue – especially since the bottle explicitly warns you to pour carefully to avoid the sediment. (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze