
Evil Twin Brewing Sour Bikini – Sour / Wild Ale at 3% ABV

Evil Twin Brewing Sour Bikini Sour / Wild Ale at 3% ABV (US$11.99 at Total Wines & More, Henderson NV, 650 ml, no bottle date or best before)

Appearance: hazy medium gold with one finger of loose white head diminishing gradually to a thin skim, patchy lacing. (3/5) Aroma: sour white grapes, barnyard funk, floral and citrus. (8/10) Taste: intense sour, moderate sweet, low bitter, light salt. (8/10) Palate: light body tending to the watery, moderate-low carbonation, short duration intensely sour finish. (4/5)

Intensely, face-puckeringly sour, getting more so as it warms. Nearly one-dimensional, with a clean sour finish that leaves you ready for the next hit. Whoever said you can’t have a flavourful light beer? At only 3% ABV, this is barely beer, but it packs massive wallop of flavour! (Think Warheads in lemonade.) Gotta love the Bjergso brothers – if Mikkel’s not blowing your mind, Jeppe is. I so desperately want to go to  Jeppe’s bar in Brooklyn… (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze