
Jester King Brewery / Brasserie Thiriez La Petite Princesse – Saison at 2.9% ABV

Jester King Brewery / Brasserie Thiriez La Petite Princesse Saison at 2.9% ABV (C$7.46 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 750 ml, best before 1-Sep-2019, reviewed 14-Dec-2015)

Appearance: cloudy pale straw with one finger of fluffy white head, excellent retention and spotty lacing. (4/5) Aroma: lemon zest, brett funk, hay, apples and pears, very light crackery malt, faint catty. (7/10) Taste: mild sweet, moderate tart, mild bitter. (7/10) Palate: light body, moderate carbonation, crisp tart finish. (4/5)

I gotta say, the weirdest thing about this is that it cost me pretty much the same number of Canadian dollars, in Canada, as it did to buy its brother Le Petit Prince, in US dollars, in Texas! Very similar, of course, but I think a little less sweet. Also, perhaps a very little (and by no means unpleasant) catty tone due to the different hop selection? Much as with the Prince, my major objection to this is that it could stand to be more… well… everything. Sweet, in particular. Good, though. (15/20)

7.5/10 #ryansbooze