
Muskoka Brewery Kirby’s Kölsch – Kölsch at 4.6% ABV

Muskoka Brewery Kirby’s Kölsch Kölsch at 4.6% ABV (C$3.57 at NLC Stavanger, 473 ml, best before 23-Aug-2016, acquired 13-May-2016, reviewed 19-May-2016)

Appearance: clear medium gold with one fat finger of loose white head, good retention and patchy lacing. (3/5) Aroma: peach, floral, grainy pale malt, grassy hops. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Light body, moderate carbonation, crisp mildly bitter finish. (4/5)

If there’s a single beer style that should most closely cleave to the Reinheitsgebot, this is probably it. I rather suspect this beer would get you lynched in Köln – or, at least, really really glared at. (Good thing I’m drinking it in Känada.) Not only does it adulterate the brew with added peach, the colour and flavour are more robust than the style guidelines dictate. Despite its flagrant rule breaking, though, it’s not a bad beer: light, crisp, and easy-drinking, and the peach works well, accentuating rather than dulling the crisp grassy noble hops. (13/20)

6.5/10 #ryansbooze