
Rogue Ales Voodoo Doughnut Mango Astronaut Ale – Fruit / Vegetable Beer at 5.5% ABV

Rogue Ales Voodoo Doughnut Mango Astronaut Ale Fruit / Vegetable Beer at 5.5% ABV (C$16.99 at Quarry Park Calgary Co-Op, 750 ml, no bottle date or best before, acquired 18-Jul-2016, reviewed 18-Jul-2016)

Appearance: slightly hazy pale amber with one fat finger of rocky white head, good retention and moderate lacing. (3/5) Aroma: sweet and somewhat artificial mango, stone fruit, pineapple and tropical fruit. (6/10) Taste: moderate sweet, mild bitter, mild tart. (6/10) Medium slightly syrupy body, moderate carbonation, mildly sweet slightly astringent finish. (3/5)

Umm… it didn’t suck as badly as I expected it to? Yeah, OK, the “mango” smells like sugary artificial crap, but it actually doesn’t taste as sweet as it smells. It actually finished, if not “dry”, at least a bit astringent. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze
