
Parallel 49 / Fernie Brewing Co. Spirit in the Sky Havana Club Stout – Foreign / Export Stout at 6.5% ABV

Parallel 49 / Fernie Brewing Co. Spirit in the Sky Havana Club Stout Foreign / Export Stout at 6.5% ABV (C$2.29 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 341 ml, no bottle date or best before, acquired 16-Apr-2016, reviewed 21-Aug-2016)

Appearance: clear brown with slightly lighter margins, a short fizzy beige head diminishing rapidly to a thin skim, no lacing. (3/5) Aroma: molasses/toffee, dark fruit, cocoa powder, light rum. (6/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter, mild tart. (6/10) Medium body tending slightly to watery, moderate to lively carbonation, off-dry and mildly warming finish. (3/5)

Not a particularly in-spec stout, with higher carbonation than is normal, as well as much less head retention. The body feels thinnish for the style, and drops off to a watery, off-dry finish. There is only a limited ABV presence, manifesting as a mild warming. Nothing very interesting. (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze
