
Parallel 49 / Scuttlebutt Brewing Co. Brews Brothers Baby Got Back: Hoppy Hefe – Hefeweizen at 6.5% ABV

Parallel 49 / Scuttlebutt Brewing Co. Brews Brothers Baby Got Back: Hoppy Hefe Hefeweizen at 6.5% ABV (C$6.00 at Quarry Park Calgary Co-Op, 650 ml, bottle date 28-Feb-2017, acquired 10-Mar-2017, reviewed 13-Mar-2017)

Appearance: hazy pale gold with one fat finger of rocky ivory head, good retention and patchy lacing. (3/5) Aroma: sweet banana, cloves, wheat, melon, grass. (6/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Palate: medium-light body, moderate carbonation, lightly spicy bitter finish. (3/5)

So, they called this a “Hoppy Hefe”, so of course I initially classified it in my system as a Hopfenweisse, because that’s pretty much by definition what that style is, right? Except, not so much. It’s got some hoppy spiciness in the finish, but really it’s just a Hefeweizen. A sweet, fruity, unsubtle Hefeweizen. It’s no Driftwood Entangled, or Beau’s Wag the Wolf, that’s for sure. This thing is dominated by banana and wheat, making it – in my opinion, anyway – pretty firmly a Hefeweizen, albeit a slightly ham-fisted one. Think banana bread with a few cloves stuck in it, maybe? (12/20)

6/10 #ryansbooze