
Central 28 Beer Company Trekker Bier – Saison at 4.5% ABV | 20 IBU

Central 28 Beer Company Trekker Bier Saison at 4.5% ABV | 20 IBU (US$1.99 at Knightly Spirits Orange Blossom Trail, 355 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 15-May-2017, reviewed 15-Jun-2017)

Appearance: hazy straw with a short, short-lived white head, no lacing. (3/5) Aroma: mild, crackery malt, light citrus & stone fruit, coriander. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, mild bitter, mild peppery spice. (7/10) Medium-light body, moderate carbonation, off-dry mild finish. (3/5)

On the up side, they haven’t gone overboard with the spices, as so many “Belgian-style” ales tend to. On the down side, they haven’t really gone anywhere at all. Aromas are really mild, almost to the point of muted, and the taste isn’t any more emphatic. On the other hand, it’s not far off ticking all the boxes for a truly traditional Saison/Grisette: light in body and ABV, easily drinkable, and thirst-quenching. I’d just like it to be cleaner, crisper, and more aromatic, is that too much to ask? (13/20)

6.5/10 #ryansbooze