
Driftwood Brewery Last Aurochs – Weizenbock at 8% ABV

Driftwood Brewery Last Aurochs Weizenbock at 8% ABV (C$10.49 at Oak & Vine, 650 ml, packaged on 7-Apr-2017, acquired 3-Jul-2017, reviewed 5-Jul-2017)

Appearance: clear deep amber with two fingers of fluffy ivory head, good retention and patchy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: banana bread and not much else – maybe hints of dark fruit. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, low bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium slightly slick body, moderate carbonation, sweet medium duration finish. (4/5)

Really, really not my preferred flavour profile, but very well done. It’s not a common style, and I would’ve sworn it wouldn’t be among my favourites – but a quick search suggests otherwise: of the four others I’ve had, only one ranked less than an eight out of ten, so apparently there’s something about this that works for me. Sweet and almost sticky, with very little hop character to speak of, this is all about the yeast and malt. But, what yeast and malt it is! Bananas, doughy yeast, and brown sugar, with just a hint of dark fruits towards the end. And, I just had a bit of an epiphany when I noticed the ABV: that’s why it’s so palatable, staying smooth and not getting sticky despite the heavy malt character. Ahh, alcohol – is there anything you can’t do? Gotta say, I like this a lot. (And yes, yet another gorgeous label.) (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze