
Modern Times Beer Black House – Oatmeal Stout at 5.8% ABV | 40 IBU

Modern Times Beer Black House Oatmeal Stout at 5.8% ABV | 40 IBU (C$4.24 at Oak & Vine, 473 ml, packaged on 3-Feb-2017, acquired 26-Apr-2017, reviewed 20-Aug-2017)

Appearance: clear brown with one fat finger of loose beige head diminishing gradually to a thin cap, moderate lacing. (4/5) Aroma: smooth dark roasted espresso, nuts, hint of milk chocolate & vanilla. (8/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium-full body, moderate carbonation, off-dry short duration finish. (4/5)

No surprises here: another solid performer from Modern Times. This one is particularly within their wheelhouse, given that it combines brewing and coffee. Smooth and slightly light for the style, but not to the point of being a detraction. Sweet as well, but again not to the point of being a drawback. It’s too sweet to characterize the finish as dry, but it is short and clean, inviting the next sip. Unlike a lot of coffee beers, this one never becomes astringent or thin, and remains pleasant and well-balanced throughout – “chocolate-covered espresso beans” is an apt description: if I had to pick a single descriptive adjective, it would be “smooth”. This could easily become a go-to. Well.. if I did go-to’s. Which I don’t. (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze