
Robinsons Brewery Iron Maiden Red & Black Porter – English Porter at 6.8% ABV

Robinsons Brewery Iron Maiden Red & Black Porter English Porter at 6.8% ABV (C$3.72 at NLC Stavanger, 500 ml, packaged on 20-Jun-2017, acquired 6-Sep-2017, reviewed 8-Sep-2017)

Appearance: clear ruby brown with one fat finger of creamy pale beige head diminishing gradually to a thin cap, moderate soapy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: bready and roasty malts, nuts, light toffee. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (7/10) Palate: medium slightly slick body, moderate carbonation, slightly sweet moderate bitter finish. (3/5)

Well, it’s a pretty beer, I’ll give it that: a clear ruby brown, with a decent head that falls just a touch fast for my preference, but leaves a nice lacing behind. Flavours are pretty much what one would expect for the style, too: all bready malt, with some roastiness, light nuttiness, and a hint of toffee. The gravity is a bit of a sticking point, well beyond what one would ever have found in the 1850’s style beer the label claims. However, I find it hard to get too worked up over a slightly too high ABV – I mean, at least it’s not “Imperial” or some such foolishness, right? And it’s certainly at least as good as Trooper and 666 Trooper, so, well done, I guess? (14/20)

7/10 #ryansbooze