
Brauerei Aying Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen – Oktoberfest / Märzen at 5.8% ABV | 25 IBU

Brauerei Aying Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen Oktoberfest / Märzen at 5.8% ABV | 25 IBU (C$4.21 at Willow Park Wine & Spirits, 500 ml, no packaging date or best before, acquired 23-Sep-2017, reviewed 13-Oct-2017)

Appearance: clear deep gold with two fingers of rocky ivory head, excellent retention and well-defined clingy lacing. (5/5) Aroma: caramel, bready malt, honey, apples, grass, tobacco. (8/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (7/10) Medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry short duration slightly spicy finish. (4/5)

This made a break for it earlier this evening, falling out of the back of my truck. I did a slo-mo extended “noooooooo” and interrupted its fall to the pavement, but I’m still kind of slightly shocked it didn’t shatter when it hit. Even more shockingly: a Reinheitsgebot beer that isn’t boring. (Aside: why does anybody still cleave to this very silly, protectionist, exception-riddled rule? Oh, right, money. Carry on.) Good stuff, and a good finish to a good season of festbiers. (16/20)

8/10 #ryansbooze