
White Pony Microbirrificio Dark Signs – Abt / Quadrupel at 11.9% ABV | 35 IBU

White Pony Microbirrificio Dark Signs Abt / Quadrupel at 11.9% ABV | 35 IBU (2017 Craft Beer Advent Calendar #14, 330 ml, packaged on 1-Feb-2017, best before 25-Sep-2022, acquired 20-Nov-2017, reviewed 14-Dec-2017)

Appearance: clear amber-brown with one finger of fluffy beige head diminishing rapidly to a thin persistent cap, moderate lacing. (4/5) Aroma: toffee, boozy dried fruit, doughy yeast, chocolate. (8/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate-high bitter. (8/10) Palate: medium slightly slick body, moderate carbonation, medium duration warming finish. (4/5)

Starts off with a big hit of dark toffee and boozy fruit, with some bread and chocolate following. The only reason I didn’t rate the aroma higher is the way it fades. Flavour follows the aroma, with a surprisingly mild alcohol presence – it certainly doesn’t drink like a double-digit ABV. It’s a solid effort, that lacks only a little depth and complexity to push it to the next level. Nice and seasonally appropriate, though. (16/20)

8/10 #craftbeeradvent2017 #ryansbooze