
Wold Top Brewery Ditto Doppel Bock – Doppelbock at 7% ABV

Wold Top Brewery Ditto Doppel Bock Doppelbock at 7% ABV (2017 Craft Beer Advent Calendar #16, 330 ml, best before 31-Dec-2018, acquired 20-Nov-2017, reviewed 16-Dec-2017)

Appearance: clear amber-brown with a short, short-lived light beige head, spotty lacing. (3/5) Aroma: toffee, dark dried fruit, apple. (6/10) Taste: moderate-high sweet, moderate bitter. (6/10) Palate: medium slightly watery body, moderate carbonation, off-dry mildly warming finish. (3/5)

All about the malt. Which is seasonally appropriate, I suppose, but verging on painfully boring. Plus, the body is slightly watery for such a malt-driven experience. Not one I’d go looking for again. (12/20)

6/10 #craftbeeradvent2017 #ryansbooze