
Lagabière Brasserie Artisanale Ta Meilleure – American IPA at 7% ABV

Lagabière Brasserie Artisanale Ta Meilleure – American IPA at 7% ABV (C$5.20 at Collective, 473 ml, packaged on 21-Nov-2023, acquired 16-Jan-2024, reviewed 26-Jan-2024)

Appearance: hazy pale gold with two fingers of loose pale ivory head, good retention and moderate soapy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: melon, tropical fruit, bready malts, citrus, resiny pine. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, moderate bitter. (7/10) Palate: smooth medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry medium duration mildly warming finish. (4/5)

I dunno whose best (“meilleure”) this is, but it’s certainly not the best example of the style I’ve had. Hell, it’s not the best I’ve had this week. That’s not to say it isn’t good – it is – but it doesn’t really stand out all that much in a very crowded field. (15/20)

This will be my 5,746th unique Untappd check-in.

7.5/10 #ryansbooze