
Funky Buddha Brewery Hop Gun – American IPA at 7% ABV | 80 IBU

Funky Buddha Brewery Hop Gun American IPA at 7% ABV | 80 IBU (US$2.49 at Knightly Spirits Orange Blossom Trail, 355 ml, bottle date early 2017, acquired 15-May-2017, reviewed 22-May-2017)

Appearance: hazy pale amber with one fat finger of rocky ivory head diminishing gradually to a thick creamy cap, soapy patchy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: grapefruit, melon, caramel, white grape must, hint of pine. (7/10) Taste: moderate sweet, high bitter. (7/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry lingering bitter finish. (4/5)

Couldn’t make out the entire bottling date, but it’s definitely early 2017, so it’s not very old. Aromas and taste are pleasant and inoffensive, with just a hint of the vinous white grape I associate with Nelson Sauvin, and a tempered bitterness that integrates the higher ABV well. Really reminds me of their More Moro, but without the citrus juice – and, more importantly, without that vegetal edge. Subtle? Hell, no, but it’s a solid hop bomb, emphatic without being too brutal. (15/20)

7.5/10 #ryansbooze