
Funky Buddha Brewery More Moro – American IPA at 7% ABV | 80 IBU

Funky Buddha Brewery More Moro American IPA at 7% ABV | 80 IBU (US$3.49 at Knightly Spirits Orange Blossom Trail, 355 ml, bottle date 20-Feb-2017, acquired 15-May-2017, reviewed 22-May-2017)

Appearance: hazy pale amber with one fat finger of rocky ivory head diminishing gradually to a thick creamy cap, soapy patchy lacing. (4/5) Aroma: pithy grapefruit, vegetal (celery? melon rind?), caramel, orange peel. (5/10) Taste: moderate sweet, high bitter. (7/10) Palate: medium body, moderate carbonation, off-dry lingering bitter and slightly astringent oily finish. (4/5)

Not as good as I was expecting, if I’m honest. I mean, FB is one of the better FL breweries, and who better than FL natives to understand oranges? And yeah, there’s citrus there – grapefruit flesh on the front end, and bitter oily orange peel on the back, which makes for an interesting finish that somewhat paradoxically feels less bitter than the IBU alone might suggest. But in-between, there’s something I struggle to identify: the best I can come up with is celery or melon peel, but it’s green and vegetal in any case. Dunno – it’s fine otherwise, and maybe it’s an acquired taste, but I sure haven’t yet acquired it. (13/20)

6.5/10 #ryansbooze